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Monday, August 1, 2016

BB Creme - I was behind the times, but now I know what it is.

Through Lemongrass Spa, I was just recently introduced to BB Crème (Beauty Balm).  After a little online research I discovered BB Crème has been around for a while.  I’m only about 5 years behind this makeup trend.  According to WebMD it could first be found on US store shelves in the spring of 2011.  If you want more information on the development of BB Crème you can find it at

I wasn’t exactly sure what BB Crème was verses a liquid foundation.  In talking to a friend her teenage daughter uses it.  If you want to know what is what in the world of makeup and fashion always go to the teens.  I remember flipping the pages of my Seventeen magazine and can only imagine how the teens of today get their information.  They have a plethora of resources.  We had to wait a whole month for the next magazine.

I’ve always been a liquid foundation kind of girl and that is likely because it was the only choice when I started wearing makeup.  When I was introduced to Lemongrass Spa I noticed my choices were BB Crème and a mineral foundation (powder).

I had heard of mineral foundation back when I was still watching a little daytime TV as a stay at home.  I’m still a stay at home mom, but for the past 5 year’s part of that title also included homeschooling mom.  That means it was at least 6 years ago when I saw the commercials for mineral foundation.  I was curious and of course wanted my skin to look as amazing as the TV models, but it was a deal where you had to order it.  I was always too chicken to order it because I didn’t want to get stuck with a monthly order of makeup I didn’t even like.  Plus, I kind of figured my freckled complexation would never look as stunning as those models, lol.

For those of you like me that are still wondering what exactly is BB Crème, well here is what I found over at  It is basically an all in one skin care crème, SPF, and makeup.  The difference from foundation though is BB Crème is more of a tinted lotion with skincare properties that will help even out your skin tone.  It isn’t full coverage like foundation, but it sounds like a healthier option for one’s skin if you are okay with lighter coverage.

There was a time when I wouldn’t have left the house makeup free.  Now it depends on the day, my mood and where I am going as to what level of makeup I will wear.  I honestly go makeup free more days than not. I decided to give Lemongrass Spa’s BB Crème a try.  Lemongrass Spa’s BB Crème offers an anti-aging formula that keeps skin feeling youthful and hydrated throughout the day.  It is Gluten-free and vegan, has a SPF of 15,  no PEGs, GMOs, fragrance, parabens or synthetic color.

For me this lighter coverage with its anti-aging ingredients is a perfect fit.  Having an option of natural ingredients verses chemical I’m choosing natural.  I really am not trying to cover up anything, but I definitely want to even my complexion out a little. Those of you with freckles know where I am coming from, but I’m sure all of us have some issue that we want to soften through the use of makeup. 

Plus, if I want a little more coverage I can always add a layer of Lemongrass Spa’s mineral foundation on top of my BB Crème.  The benefit of both BB Crème and Mineral Foundation from Lemongrass Spa is that I’m putting makeup on my face that is 97%-100% natural.  Removing unnecessary chemicals from daily routine is really what first led me to try Lemongrass Spa products.

For those of you that are local, if you are interested in testing colors, the feel of BB Crème on your skin, or just like to be pampered set up an appointment with me for a makeup make over and I’ll treat you to an “At Home Facial”, if you want.  I am happy to do one-on-ones or get some friends together and make it a party.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Let's Be mermaids! Who wants to join me?

I saw this on Facebook this morning and it met me right where I'm at this week.  I don't want to escape "adulting" forever, but I sure could go for a spell as a mermaid since they live in the ocean.  The beach is calling.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Keeping a Family Calendar

At my house I consider myself the CEO and part of that duty means I have to keep up with what, when, and where for our family members’ lives. I think I've tried just about every system, but after reading this if you have suggestion or ideas, I'm all ears.  
When my kids were young, before the real dawn of technology (these mini computers we carry around with us and call phones).  I had these great spiral notebook planners that were made just for moms.  Because I'm one of those strange people that likes being organized when I brought home a new calendar it was like opening a present at Christmas.  I relished in the blank pages of a new year staring back at me.  Just so you know that is completely the old me.  Nowadays, I'm just lucky to know what day of the week it is.  I chuckle at how crazy life seemed when my kids were little as I compare our days now that they are a year away from all being teenagers.
When I got an iPhone I decided to jump on the electronic calendar train.  Boy was that an epic fail. I honestly tried to like it and I didn't give up quickly or easily.  My issue is  I really like to see the whole month in full view and here is why.  Just because we are free for an event or outing it doesn’t always mean we will go.  I have always attempted to make sure down time at home is part of our routine.  That means I want some weekends or at least one day over a weekend here or there where our calendar is empty.  I look forward to going and doing, but I also appreciate those much needed down days.  If I can see the whole month in one big picture it allows me to see if I am overbooking our family.

I’m disappointed in my lack of love for electronic calendars because I am seduced by the idea of those apps that allow the whole family to connect their calendars.  In reality we are not there anyway.  My 16 year old is my only one that carries a cell phone.  My 14 year old has her brother’s hand me down phone, but she isn’t interested in having it with her everywhere she goes. Honestly, half the time it isn’t charged. I know that is hard to believe in today’s world, but it’s true.  So much so, that I have to remind her to take it with her when she goes places I want her to have it.  My kids are not attracted to technology because of their ability to help us organize and communicate as a family.  Go figure! 

I did finally convince them it was important and their responsibility to check their email on a daily basis this past school year.  Oh and just so you don’t think they are sitting around without some device in their hand.  Let me tell you they are.  For them technology is about watching Netflix, texting their friends, reading ebooks, listening to music, and for my oldest Instagram.  Oh to have been a parent during a time when all this technology at your finger tips didn’t exist.  That thought is for sure another day’s blog topic.

Now that you know I’m freakishly old school when it comes to calendars here is what I have come up with that seems to be the right fit for us (ME).  I have a ½ ” three ring binder that I have filled with calendar pages I created.  I like big boxes (and I cannot lie).  My kids would roll their eyes if I said that to them.  You guys get that I’m just aging myself and those who know me well know I’ve never made a huge effort to be cool.  I’m a goof and I humor myself, so I’ll just keep on keeping on. 

Anyway, back to liking big boxes… I like a big box for each day and I like having a column on my calendar month page where I can jot down information like addresses and phone numbers for doctors or additional notes that won’t fit in the box for an event on a date like what I need to bring with me.  What I don’t like... is my family constantly asking me questions about what we are doing on a given day or week and this is where the inspiration for a calendar wall was created.

I did some researching on Pinterest.  I’m a Pinterest addict for sure, but I have a lot of inspirations that can be credited to Pinterest browsing.  My research resulted in the creation of a calendar wall with the means to hold a week’s worth of our family’s calendar.  I started off with a premade dry erase one that had a box for each day of the week and a hanging paper calendar that displayed each month. I think my last one was the Chick-fi-a calendar you get with the Calendar Card.   It worked okay, but then the boxes got too small and really I needed my monthly calendar to be more portable.  My challenge was creating something that had spaces large enough to fit the information for each day.  I took a trip to Michael’s, the craft store.  A very dangerous place for me.  The answer to the challenge was 5”X7” frames.  I also found a cute frame that had twine strung across the opening along with mini clothespins.  I did contemplate making my own, but sometimes I just want a project done and it’s worth it to me to pay the extra for someone else’s efforts. This was one of those time.

On the computer I created 5”X 7” mats that had the days of the week on them.  I also had to get picture hanging hardware because my frames were the ones meant to stand up on a table or shelf.  After attaching the hardware and inserting the mats the hard part was arranging the frames.  I used the tip,  probably found on Pinterest, where you make a paper cutout of your frames and tape them to the wall with painter’s tape.  This allows you to figure out your placement before hammering a bunch of holes in your wall.

I added a wall decal above all my frames with a scripture verse to encourage a positive attitude as we go into each week and day.  I found mine on Amazon and didn’t think it was too hard to apply. 
Thankfully, most of the time these 5”X 7” frames are big enough to fit everything on them.  I use a dry erase marker to write the day’s date and any information I need front and center to keep us on track with where we need to be each day on the glass.  I keep a small dry erase eraser on the small desk below this calendar space. 
Just so you know, after I finished this whole project I realized I should have placed/centered it all a little differently because of the height of my kitchen cabinet in relation to the light switch, but here is the thing nobody is coming to my house looking at how perfectly centered my calendar wall frames are and well if they are it's only bugging them that it isn't perfect.  There was a time I would have had to go back and make it perfect.  Now is not that time for me and I have to say I love that I can let stuff like that go.  It's freeing.

I try to update the calendar on Sunday evening, but sometimes it’s Monday or Tuesday before it happens.  I’m thinking no one but me really looks at the calendar because they don’t say anything when this happens and I still get asked what we are doing on occasion by my loves.  Oh well, having it where I can easily see makes me happy and makes me think I’m keeping my family in the know.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Too Many Bananas

At my house we have a banana problem.  There are five of us and we either cannot keep bananas in the house or we end up having them sit around and rot.  I'm not so sure when my gang isn't eating them that it isn't a conspiracy to get me to make banana bread. Here is my latest crop of bananas about to go bad. SIGH.

Right now my freezer has an overload of bananas and so this new crop needed to be used not frozen. Luckily for my family that means momma is baking a batch of banana bread.


Yes, all those are photos of bananas currently residing in my freezer.  If you need some let me know.  I'm happy to share.  I used to always freeze them with the peel on and then along the way I discovered that if you peeled them before you froze them you could also use them in smoothies.  I love learning new tips like that.

I have a desire to be a clean eater.   If that is an unfamiliar term to you it has to do with eating no processed foods.   I have done the clean eating thing and I've seen and felt the benefits, but I was born with a gene that makes me love to bake.  I'm sure it came from all three of my grandmothers and my mom.  Yes, I know it is genetically impossible to have three grandmothers, but I am sure the one that wasn't biologically related to me somehow passed her love of baking on to my genetic makeup.  Her homemade rolls at holidays are the ones I cook to this day.  Just thinking about them makes me salivate.  I really do have a bread problem, which is why I haven't been so great at really eating completely clean. Anyway, there are lots of ways you can make a healthier version of this recipe. I'm just okay with sticking to this recipe being one I don't make healthier.

My recipe is  adapted from the good ol' Better Homes and Garden New Cookbook.  This copy came to me 21 years ago as a wedding/shower present.  It is well loved and a great basic cookbook. You can see by the batter stains on this page that this is a favorite recipe.  This is a classic cookbook and great for any cook that just wants basic simple recipes.

If you have a stand mixer use it.  My stand mixer is my true I don't know how I lived without it for as many years as I did kitchen gadget.  Stand mixers make it easier for kids to learn to bake because their arms don't get tired holding the hand mixer.  Also, I was able to get rid of my bread machine once I got a stand mixer (because I never actually used my bread machine to bake the dough).  This recipe is for one loaf, but my pictures are of two because I made a double batch.  In your stand mixer add 3 bananas and mix on low level to mash them.  Add 1/3 cup of shortening and 2 tablespoons of milk.  I'm a shortening snob and only use Crisco brand.  I tried store bought and I just didn't have the same results.  Mix the bananas, shortening, and milk together.  The beauty of the stand mixer is you don't have to mix this part super well.  The picture is exactly what mine looked like.

Then add 1 cup of all purpose flour (I always use unbleached because I don't really see why my flour needs to be bleached), 2/3 cup sugar, 2 tablespoons baking powder, 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda, and 1/4 teaspoon salt.  Mix until blended and then mix on a medium high speed for 2 minutes. 

Add 2 eggs (in the picture there are 4 because I made a double batch) and the remaining 3/4 cup of flour.  Mix until blended.  Your batter will be creamy.  I find batter and bread dough cause some kind of Zen mode in my brain.  I could just stand there and smell it for hours.                                        

When I made this batch, like I said it was a double recipe, so I divided it into two bowls.  Each bowl had about 3 1/2 cups of batter, so I'll save you from washing an extra bowl.  If you want to make a double batch just transfer 3 1/2 cups of batter to a second bowl and leave the remaining batter in the stand mixer bowl.  I'm thanking myself for measuring this out too.  Next time I'll have one less bowl to wash. 

I'm such a messy cook.  This batch resulted in a blob of batter on the floor that I proceeded to step in.

My family loves chocolate chip banana bread and I love the classic banana nut.  Hence the double batch of batter.  For banana nut add 1/2 cup chopped walnuts and for the banana chocolate chip add 1/2 cup of chocolate chips.  You can add more or less based on how nutty or chocolatey you like your banana bread.  I used semi sweet chocolate chips.  You just want to gently fold the nuts or chocolate chips into your batter.  Oh and by the way, at my house the chocolate chips have to be hidden.  For some reason people around here think they are a snack.  I have been known to eat them myself when I have had a I need chocolate attack, but man is it frustrating to be in the middle of a recipe that calls for chocolate chips only to realize all the chocolate chips you thought you had are gone.

Transfer your batter to a greased loaf pan and bake in the oven for 45 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

 After 45 minutes you are going to lightly cover your loaf with foil.  This will keep your top from getting too dark or burnt. 

My loaves after 45 minutes and then with the foil covering.

I cook mine for an additional 10 minutes after covering with foil.  Every oven is different.  I find my oven cooks faster than called for and because of this I always set my timer a few minutes before any recipe says.  I use a cake tester to check mine for being done.  Your cake tester should come out dry.  You can also check to see if yours are done by gently pressing the tops of the loaves.  They should resist being pushed in. 

Once you remove your loaf from the oven allow it to cool in the pan about 5 - 8 minutes.  Then turn over your pans on a cooling rack to dump the loaf out, flip loaf upright (be careful they will still be hot), and allow it to cool pretty much completely. 

This is the hardest part for us.  When the bread is still warm we love to spread some butter on it and eat it.  However, your bread will actually slice better if you allow it to cool completely.  It's actually best to wrap it in plastic wrap or place in a sealable container once it's cooled and wait to cut it the next day.  If you have overnight company coming make this recipe in advance and serve it for breakfast with fruit, yogurt, sausage links or whatever else you like.  You can also freeze the loaf and save it for latter.  Good luck with that.  My chocolate chip loaf will be gone in less than 24 hours.
I will be enjoying my banana nut loaf all week. I guess it's good that my favorite isn't a house favorite.  It means more for me.


Sunday, July 24, 2016

Women R.E.L.A.T.E. (Responding, Encouraging, Listening, Assuring, Thriving, Energizing)

Throughout my adult years I have realized the importance of other women in my life and when I look back I am amazed at the impact other women have had on me.  My mom turned out to be one of my best friends and when Alzheimer ’s disease took her ability to truly connect with me I was blessed with other women God had so perfectly placed in my path to help me through the rough waters.  One was my baby sitter who in my adult life became basically a neighbor.  Having her close by gave me a mother figure to turn to and lean on.  I had a group of friends that had come into my life through a MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group.  These same ladies helped me label my mom’s clothes as my Dad and I prepared to move her into a dementia care home. 

There are so many other women that have impacted my life: my childhood and teenage friends, the girls I danced with, my dance teacher, my cheerleading coach, the other cheerleaders, the many moms from the MOPS group, teachers, my next door neighbor mom, the moms I worked alongside of as we juggle(d) the homeschool world, aunts, grandmothers, sister-in-laws, my daughter, my nieces and on and on I could go. 

When I say “Women RELATE”, I’m not saying anything negative about men.  I have had some great guy friends over the years, and many of my friends’ husbands are like family, and then there is my husband of 21 years who is my rock and knows me better than anyone.  My dad was my first hero and even though my 4 1/2 year older brother picked on me constantly I looked up to him and tried to keep up with him.  What I am saying is we as women have a connection and understanding of one another that comes from our womanhood. 

We know what it is like from a women’s perspective to have a sick child, a broken heart, feel insecure, not know if we are making the best decision for our family or self, feel overwhelmed because getting food in the fridge and then on the table is a task that somehow becomes daunting in the busyness of our lives of getting everyone everywhere and if we aren’t getting them everywhere we are keeping up with where they are.  We watch our parents grow older and try to respectfully help them transition into that reality while mourning the loss of the parents we once knew.  I’m sure men go through some of the same stuff, but let’s face it anytime you talk with another woman and the topic of men comes up in some way shape or form it ends in either a little eye contact, eye roll, a chuckle, or a deep down belly laugh.  It isn’t because we don’t love our guys.  It’s just we women are unique in how we see and do things.  I’m pretty positive they have the same reaction about us.  I’m sure they question why we feel the need for things to be done just so, you know “the way we do them”. 

A little over a year ago I had become interested in natural products and took a trip to Whole Foods to see what I could find in regards to skincare products.  I left with deodorant, lip balm, and a face care kit.  Prior to this I had been focusing on eating cleaner (reducing processed foods from my diet).  Some of this interest was created by wanting to do anything possible to be healthier and hopefully keep Alzheimer’s disease away from my future.  What I came to realize is old habits are hard to break and there is often so much information out there you never really know what to think and sometimes you just throw your hands up and decide you will just do the best you can.  I guess that is where I am at.  Some days I consume coconut oil because some say that it’s good for preventing Alzheimer’s disease. Other days I forget coconut oil even exist.  I am truly a work in progress in all areas of getting and being healthier. 

In my dream world I would eat no processed foods or sugar, and exercise at least 5 days a week, and use all chemical free products in my home and on my body.  In my real world, I struggle.  I struggle to get out of bed early to fit exercise into my life.  I struggle to get dinner on the table and at that point in the day could care less what the ingredients are because I just need to get my family fed, which now includes two teens and a tween.  I struggle to eat healthy because I really do love to bake when I have time and I really really love to eat baked goods.  I struggle because my reality is I live on a limited income and it’s my job to see that at the end of the month we are not spending more than is being brought in.  I struggle to clean my house without using harsh chemicals, but I have found some things I can replace with natural alternatives and I pat myself on the back for every step in that direction I take.  Even if one week I grab the premade stuff because I just don’t have time to mix the natural concoction.   I’m taking small steps and try to consider the positive impact of those steps not the daunting list of things I could be doing.

Recently, I was introduced to Lemongrass Spa and was interested because it offered many skincare products that are 97%-100% natural.  I have quickly grown to love their products and even became a consultant with them.

When I hosted my Lemongrass Spa party, before deciding to become a consultant I was reminded of how important it is to take time out of our busy lives and spend time with other women.  I don’t mean time with other women where we are doing something for some other reason.  I mean just hanging out.  I have always loved bridal and baby showers, but waiting to get together just because someone is having a baby or getting married means it isn’t going to happen very often.  How many times have I thought I’ll just have a get together to get other women together? A million.  How many times have I actually done it?  I can probably count them on one hand. 

At my party a lady expressed how she wasn’t sure about coming, but knew she could use “girl” time and was glad she had come.  When we all did the foot spa at my party, that’s when I knew I wanted to be a consultant.  Everyone’s faces lit up at how refreshed their feet felt and I knew I wanted to provide that opportunity for others.  A time to be with friends and a time to pamper ourselves.

I knew having a Blog and Facebook Page was a great way to share Lemongrass Spa news and specials, but I didn’t want my page to just be about Lemongrass Spa because my reason for becoming a consultant wasn’t just to sell products.  I recently had an Open House and my daughter has nicknamed me the “Mayberry” sales person.  It’s now a joke in our house, but I’m completely fine with it.  I don’t think sales is my strength, but I love people and I love being around other women sharing and connecting.  I learn so much from other women and just from my one party and my Open House I’ve already learned about a helpful website for checking out products for their health level and been reminded how salt adds in healing. 

That is why I came up with this Blog and Facebook Page and its name.  These won’t just be dedicated to sharing Lemongrass Spa information.  Though it will be a venue for me to do that.  What I want this page to be is a place where women can RELATE.  Whether it’s a great book I’ve read, a new recipe, or some helpful information someone has shared with me I want this to be a forum to share.  I want to continue gaining insight from women just like I have over the years, but through this world of social media that I honestly am still getting used to.  I hope you will join me because when women gather they R.E.L.A.T.E.